That is a question I came across while surfing the net. Since I know a little bit about online marketing, I thought I would have a go at explaining the importance of online marketing.
Everywhere we look these days, there is a site name being advertised. All the top shops have online stores and the reason for that is convenience. The first thing you need to look at is, why do people find it more convenient?
The reason for that is, is because shopping, or browsing online can be done in the comfort of your home. Here is an example. You've been at work all day, you are tired, but you have to go home, cook dinner for the family, get the kids bathed and ready for bed. You probably have to put a load of washing into the washing machine, so that you can hang it out in the morning. You see, if you have a family, it can be really difficult to get out and about and care for your family properly. Thus it is comfortable and convenient.
So we turn to the resource which gives us the option to do our shopping online. This is where businesses have to compete to be seen across the internet. Whilst a lot of businesses can pay for their advertising online, there are smaller companies popping up everywhere that need to get the right formula to be seen.
This is where online marketing experts come into play, they help smaller businesses to get seen, sometimes it costs nothing, other times, it costs a lot. So homebased businesses have to learn the art of online marketing themselves. This can be handed to you on a silver platter, but it does mean that you have to actually spend time at doing it. It all boils down to one thing. Do you have the ambition or stamina to keep going for years without making a great deal? But suddenly, the doors open and you are riding one of the hottest waves there are. It all comes down to you and how much effort you put into it.
If you think, you can just add your site to the search engine and you're finished... I'm sorry to tell you this, but you will be shelved pretty quickly, especially if the search engine spiders don't see a change in your website.
The secret is, to keep working hard on your site, keep submitting your website to the search engines, keep talking about your website.... One of the oldest methods still play a massive role in Marketing, (both online marketing and normal marketing), it is word of mouth.
Yes, it's convenient for buyers online, but it is also convenient for marketers at home. You can sit at your computer comfortably with a cup of coffee and a cigarette if you smoke, but the main thing is, you are comfortable and you are not bound by time bounderies of the office. You will find that you actually work longer hours to get seen, but then again, you could only spend a couple of hours a day. That comes with popularity. The easier it is for you to be seen, the less time you have to spend.
Online marketing is a volitile business to be in, much like the stock brokers, it's a rat race on the internet, but still so so important so that customers and even just browsers can have a look at what you've got. Let me put in a couple of figures here, the internet is made up of over 30 000 000 000 sites. Everyone is competing for a slice of the market. The worlds population comes into account too, Billions of people. So, it is possible to have a slice but you've got to have the skills and stamina to compete. You also may need a little wad of cash too.
It is important to know how to market, it is important to have a website, it is important to be seen.
These are the ingredients for a good online presence. I hope this has helped a few of you.
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